Peony in Morning Light

The sun came out on Thursday which meant I had to take another stab at landing a detailed shot of the peony, this time illuminated by the morning sun.  This image is once again multiple shots, 37 to be exact,  with the focus area incrementing minutely from front to back to get maximum details.  Because it was bright the background dropped almost completely of the image.

This is a different plant from the one shot earlier in the week.  This one has a very faint pink coloration when the blooms are open.  I like the varying shades of pink and the shadows the inner pedals place on the open pedals behind them.

This image is available in sizes from 12" x 12" up to 7 feet square in metal, acrylic, canvas or a number of varieties of professional papers.  If interested in this print on your wall email me at

Detailed shots of Peony in Morning Sun

Extreme enlargement to demonstrate detail in this image. The “bugs” you see crawling around the stamen would more accurately be described as “bug.” Because I shot numerous images to get the detail in this image, this bug appeared in several of the images as it crawled along the blossom.


Extreme enlargement to show the edges of this flower’s pedals.

Extreme enlargement to demonstrate the pedal detail.

Extreme enlargement to demonstrate the detail in the delicate flowers folds and edges.